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Category: Consider the Possibilities

Luxury Retreat & Offsite for Women in Leadership

Are you ready to make some real changes? Good, because it’s time to circle your calendars for the Circle of Possibilities Luxury Retreat & Offsite happening from October 24-27, 2024. We’ve shifted things around to accommodate overwhelming interest and to ensure you don’t miss out on this unique chance to focus intensely on your personal […]

Intentional Steps at Life’s Crossroads

Are you at a crossroads? And if so, what are you doing about it? Crossroads are those pivotal moments in life where you stand at a juncture, uncertain of the path ahead. Whether it’s transitioning into an empty nest, facing the reality of retirement, or adjusting to a new phase of life after a significant […]

Steps to Getting Unstuck and Taking Action

Hello, Possibility Seekers! We all have moments when we feel like we’re spinning our wheels, not making any real progress toward our goals. It’s a frustrating place to be, but the good news is that we don’t have to stay there. Today, I want to share some insights on how to get unstuck and start […]

Owning Our Sh*t: Taking Responsibility for Our Lives

Hello Possibility Seekers! Monique here, back with another insight to help you on your journey to creating a life you love. Today, I want to dive into a topic that is crucial for personal growth and healthy relationships: owning our sh*t. Now, I know the term might raise some eyebrows, but it’s a powerful way […]

Time Hacks for a Productive Life

Hey there, it’s me again, back with another exciting episode of our podcast! This time, I dive deep into the world of time management. I share my insights and practical tips on optimizing our schedules! Setting the Stage: A Clean Workspace I start with a fundamental principle: **a cluttered space equals a cluttered brain**. If […]

The Power of Micro-Decisions: Shaping Your Future One Choice at a Time

Every day, we’re faced with a barrage of decisions. Most seem trivial: what to eat, which email to answer first, whether to take a moment to chat with a colleague. But what if I told you that these micro-decisions could significantly impact your life’s trajectory? It’s a truth I’ve come to realize and embrace over […]

Your Personal Brand: A Journey to Authenticity and Purpose

In this ever-busy, always-connected world, standing out can seem like climbing Everest in flip-flops. Yet, here I am, your guide on this journey to not just standing out, but shining through with authenticity and purpose. Let’s dive into the art of crafting a personal brand that mirrors not only who you are but also who […]

Unlocking Career Opportunities: Beyond the Job Boards

In today’s digital age, it’s easy to get lost in the sea of online job boards and forget the power of human connection. My latest podcast shines a light on this very issue, and I try to offer a fresh perspective on networking and job hunting that goes beyond the click of a button. I […]

Thoughts on how to integrate self-care into a busy lifestyle

Busy, successful and hard-driving women tell me that they ‘often serve themselves last’, and that self-care often strikes them as selfish. I’d like to have you consider that self-care is essential and selfless, not selfish. If you don’t ‘put on your oxygen mask on first’, how can you help anyone else? In this episode, I […]

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