Reflect, Reset, Relaunch: Embracing a Joyful 2024 with Intentional Living

Happy 2024, Everyone!

I am taking a bit of a flyer here today, and speaking to you in the first person, from the heart.  You see, I re-read my blogs from 2023, and I decided they were too basic, I need to get more ‘real’, more ‘raw’ with you guys.  So, if you like hearing my voice in these blogs, please let me know.

My first episode of 2024 is a heartfelt share (and a quick one) about how I like (and have) kicked off the year, and create some possibilities in my life (notice I did NOT USE THE WORD RESOLUTIONS)!

I talk about reflecting, resetting, and relaunching our lives with joy and intention. 

Reflecting on the Year Gone By

Before you rush into setting new goals, have you taken a moment to close out the previous year? I was inspired by Mel Robbins to this: I went through my camera roll month by month and jotted down achievements, joyful moments, and lessons learned. 

It’s not just about cataloging memories but about recognizing the richness of my experiences, understanding what truly brought me joy, and acknowledging the areas I’ve grown in. I found myself smiling, reminiscing (and definitely forgetting a lot of great micro-moments, in the spirit of eating my own dog food!) and deciding that I did A LOT of things that gave me joy…so why would I not want to replicate those moments, practices, habits?

Using Intention to Plan the New Year

Adding more to our lives without reflection can lead to overwhelming clutter. It’s essential to balance new aspirations with an inventory of the past year. Let me ask you these 2 questions:

1- What brought you joy? 

2- What didn’t? 

This contemplation can lead to more informed and heartfelt decisions about what to carry forward into the new year and what to leave behind. Have no guilt about it, if you hung out with energy vampires more than you wanted to, no worries, ditch them in 2024!  If you discovered that you love the woman you met in Barre class, and you like hanging out with her, do more of THAT!

Sharing My Personal Goals

Hey, I was pretty transparent (and vulnerable) with my own goals for 2024: planning and delivering a TEDx talk and starting a women’s retreat workshop. These are not just goals but commitments to growth and community building, and in my world these are BHAGs! (“Big Hairy Audacious Goals”) (BHAGs)!  If I back them with a solid action plan, we can all move beyond wishful thinking into the realm of real achievement…and a truly joyous New Year!

My approach to goal setting is pragmatic and doable. I believe in debunking this crazy ‘all-or-nothing mentality’ and I encourage you to live in the “gray space” where life truly happens. 

Let me leave you with this soundbite:

“Anything is possible if you have a plan and you have intention.”

Join me on this journey of reflective growth and intentional living as we step boldly and joyfully into 2024. Happy New Year, and here’s to creating a life you love!

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